Low Cost Diplomatic Bag / 17th december 2015 - 7th February 2016 / Immigration Museum / Melbourne / Australia


tras haber embarcado en madrid
la exposición _valija diplomática low cost_ se inaugura en el centro cultural de españa en santiago de chile
este sábado doce de septiembre a las doce del mediodía ( 12:00h/12.09.15 )
donde permanecerá expuesta hasta el treinta de septiembre ( 30.09.15 )
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Illustrated by Volkan Diyaroglu, Ali Deniz Uslu’s «Karganin Duydugu» published by Esen Editions in Turkey, 2015. The book contains seven illustrations corresponding to seven parts of the book.
Low Cost Diplomatic Bag: Boarding / MADRID

Low Cost Diplomatic Bag: Boarding
This is the starting point of the exhibition “Diplomatic bag low cost” that will visit different cities around the world thanks to Aecid’s ART-EX program.
“Low cost Diplomatic” is a collective exhibition of contemporary art. It manipulates the space inside a suitcase that can fit in the cabin of a budget airline, the most widely used means of transport.
The inside of the case can be seen by launching it from each of the QR codes that you will find next to it or following the itinerary of the exhibitions. The first stop will be Spain’s Cultural Centre in Santiago de Chile, where it will be opened on 28 July 2015. All passengers in transit are invited to attend this and the rest of the exhibitions. Information on them can be accessed at http://art-ex.es/portfolio/
Low Cost Diplomatic Bag includes the following works:Read more
(P)ANAMORPHOSE(S) / ART BRUSSELS 2015 Artists And Curators Run Spaces

An exhibition curated by Marin Kasimir.
Opening: 23.04.2015 / 6 pm.
Exhibition: 23.04 - 01.05.2015
53,Rue Locquenghien
B-1000 Bruxelles
Artists: Charley Case +++ Jérôme Decock +++ Volkan Diyaroglu +++ Alice Esposto +++ Ludger Gerdes (1954 - 2008) +++ Marin Kasimir
+++ Xavier Lust +++ Laurette Massant +++ Esteban Moulin +++ Agnès C.H. Peeters +++ Herman Pitz +++ Claudia Radulescu +++
Sylvestre Gobart +++ Kurt Ryslavy +++ Philippe Samyn (with the participation of MK) +++ Nicolas Tourte +++ Joël Van Audenhaege +++Read more

Ulan were formed by Volkan Diyaroglu and Ziya Levent Aybay in the summer 2014, between Valencia and Istanbul. The duo has a long friendship history since their high school years. They used to be a part of a band named “Scarlet” which existed until 2003. After that Ziya Levent Aybay continued his life as an art director-designer in advertisement sector but he didn’t leave music. Volkan Diyaroglu continued his life outside of Turkey as a well known artist in Turkey and Europe.
Recording of first album of Ulan, “Dua Tarlasi” was made between Valencia and Istanbul. Mix and the mastering of the album was made in Valencia, by Paco Morillas (Blackout Musice) and Enrique Soriano (Crossfade Mastering).
Ulan’s first album consists of 13 tracks. 12 of them were written by Volkan Diyaroglu. “Hafriyat” was composed by Ziya Levent Aybay. The album was launched by Sony Music Turkey in April 2015.
you can listen «Dua Tarlasi» here (Spotify) or here (Deezer).
you can buy the album here (iTunes) or here (Amazon).